WordPress Care
New malwares are created and updated waiting to attack your website. Sucuri has been with the latest report on those malwares. We scan your website to see if malwares got through your website.
Limit the number of failed login attempts allowed per user with WordPress brute force protection. If someone is trying to guess your password, they’ll get locked out after a few attempts.
If someone manages to get into your site, they’ll probably add, remove or change a file. Get email alerts showing any recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked.
If a bot is scanning your site for vulnerabilities, it will generate a lot of 404 errors. iThemes Security will lock out that IP after the limit you set (20 errors in 5 minutes by default).
Set which level of users on your site (admins, editors, users, etc.) need to have strong passwords. Strong password enforcement is one of the best ways to lock down WordPress.
Keep bad users away from your site if they have too many failed login attempts, if they generate too many 404 errors, or if they’re on a bot blacklist.
Change the default URL of your WordPress login area so attackers won’t know where to look. This feature is also great to help clients remember their login link.
Increase spamming protection on your website forms.
Prevent automated signin by giving your users Two-Factor Authentication – logins that are legit.
In addition to visitor analytics, you can monitor threats and search engine crawlers. For most websites, these threats and crawlers make up 20% to 50% of traffic. It’s traffic every website should understand, but most analytics services ignore.
Prevent attacks before they start with a cloud firewall that features intelligent threat detection, continuous vulnerability updates, and powerful customization options. Full security starts at the cloud’s edge.
Layers of security provides full DDoS protection for attacks at any size, our multilayer approach will automatically detect and mitigate any type of attack targeting resources at layers 3-4 and the application layer.
Softwares always evolve and have major updates especially in security. You don’t have to deal with the technicality of each update, we will do it for you. Trust us, we know what we do.
One of the most challenging part when you update WordPress is to decide which plugins are compatible with the core’s latest version. A single wrong update can bring your website to downtime. We carefully update using trail and error and decide which of the plugins can be updated.
Your SEO can hurt so much if you have links that can’t be found. Luckily, we can always check your site if there are links that are broken to minimize your SEO’s standing.
In time of your website, there are plugins that will be outdated or left by their own developers. From time to time, we will check those plugins and remove them from our own best judgement.
If you’re already in WPEngine or in our Yearly Contract, your website will backed up every day.
Even if you’re not in WPEngine but in one of our programs, we will back up your website depending of the recommended duration schedule of your program.
(Applies to Business & Enterprise)
In addition to the automated backups, we also use Git to backup the files to our Cloud Server. Anytime you need the code, we can provide it to you in no time.
We store your website in our secure online Cloud backup systems.
We can detect if your website is down. As easy as 1, 2 and 3. We can restore your website and make sure it’s up and running immediately.
Your website images will be optimized for page speed. While optimized, your original image will not be lost or replaced.
Limit the number of failed login attempts allowed per user with WordPress brute force protection. If someone is trying to guess your password, they’ll get locked out after a few attempts.
If someone manages to get into your site, they’ll probably add, remove or change a file. Get email alerts showing any recent file changes so you know if you’ve been hacked.
If a bot is scanning your site for vulnerabilities, it will generate a lot of 404 errors. iThemes Security will lock out that IP after the limit you set (20 errors in 5 minutes by default).
Set which level of users on your site (admins, editors, users, etc.) need to have strong passwords. Strong password enforcement is one of the best ways to lock down WordPress.
Keep bad users away from your site if they have too many failed login attempts, if they generate too many 404 errors, or if they’re on a bot blacklist.
Change the default URL of your WordPress login area so attackers won’t know where to look. This feature is also great to help clients remember their login link.
Change the default URL of your WordPress login area so attackers won’t know where to look. This feature is also great to help clients remember their login link.
By removing versions of your static files, we improve your website speed by Removing Query Strings.
A fast website means you have compressed the resources to make the site load faster.
We can load your images on demand to avoid additional requests to your server.
We can prefetch your links as it can add speed to your website.
Mobile websites have a slight difference in page speed optimization. We make sure we cover those lapses.
We scatter your website’s resources around the world so that if your website is visited, the assets loads faster.
Monthly Reports, FREE Shared SSL, **Free migration to WPEngine, **Yearly: SAVE $318 (2 months FREE),
PLUS a year of Hosting on WPEngine, *WPEngine hosting not included
Weekly Sucuri Malware Scanning
Wordpress Local Brute Force Protection
File Change Detection
404 Detection
Strong Password Enforcment
Lock Out Bad Users
Hide Login & Admin
Recaptcha on Forms
Wordpress Two-Factor Authentication
Monthly WP Code Updates
Monthly Theme & Plugin Update
Monthly Broken Link Checking
Monthly Inactive Plugin Removal
*2 Full Backups Every Month
**Full Backups Every Day
- Complete WordPress Website Backup
- Automatic & Scheduled Backups
- Off-site Backup
Website Restoration within 10 hours
12 hrs - Email Support (EST)
24/7 Uptime Monitoring
Website Video Tutorials
Malware Removal
Google Webmasster Tools Connected
Google Analytics Connected
2 hours/month Consumable Development
Change Requests Support (Worth $180)
Image Optimization (150 images)
Page Caching
Cache Preloading
Sitemap Preloading
GZIP Compression
Browser Caching
Database Optimization
Google Fonts Optimization
Remove Query Strings
Minification / Concatenation
DNS Prefetching
Mobile Detection
Weekly Reports, FREE Dedicated SSL, **Free migration to WPEngine, **Yearly: SAVE $698 (2 months FREE),
PLUS a year of Hosting on WPEngine, *WPEngine hosting not included
Daily Sucuri Malware Scanning
Wordpress Local Brute Force Protection
File Change Detection
404 Detection
Strong Password Enforcment
Lock Out Bad Users
Hide Login & Admin
Recaptcha on Forms
Wordpress Two-Factor Authentication
Cloudflare Integration
Web Application Firewall
DDoS Protection
Weekly WP Code Updates
Weekly Theme & Plugin Update
Weekly Broken Link Checking
Weekly Inactive Plugin Removal
Full Backups Every Week
**Full Backups Every Day
- Complete WordPress Website Backup
- Automatic & Scheduled Backups
- Off-site Backup
Website Restoration within 4 hours
Git Backup Support
12 hrs - Email/Chat Support (EST)
24/7 Uptime Monitoring
Website Video Tutorials + Custom Video Tutorials
Malware Removal
Google Webmasster Tools Connected
Google Analytics Connected
4 hours/month of Consumable Development
Change Requests Support (Worth $360)
Image Optimization (800 images)
Page Caching
Cache Preloading
Sitemap Preloading
GZIP Compression
Browser Caching
Database Optimization
Google Fonts Optimization
Remove Query Strings
Minification / Concatenation
DNS Prefetching
Mobile Detection
**FREE Dedicated SSL with Custom Hostnames (up to 50), **Free migration to WPEngine, **Yearly: SAVE $1398 (2 months FREE),
PLUS a year of Hosting on WPEngine, *WPEngine hosting not included
Daily Sucuri Malware Scanning
Wordpress Local Brute Force Protection
File Change Detection
404 Detection
Strong Password Enforcment
Lock Out Bad Users
Hide Login & Admin
Recaptcha on Forms
Wordpress Two-Factor Authentication
Cloudflare Integration
Web Application Firewall
DDoS Protection
Daily WP Code Updates
Daily Theme & Plugin Update
Daily Broken Link Checking
Daily Inactive Plugin Removal
Full Backups Every Day
**Full Backups Every Day
- Complete WordPress Website Backup
- Automatic & Scheduled Backups
- Off-site Backup
Website Restoration within 1 hour
Git Backup Support
24 hrs - Email/Chat Support (EST)
12 hrs availability - Dedicated Manager Phone Call (EST)
24/7 Uptime Monitoring
Website Video Tutorials + CustomVideo Tutorials
Malware Removal
Google Webmasster Tools Connected
Google Analytics Connected
10 hours/month of Consumable
Development Change Requests
Support (Worth $900)
1 hour/month Free Marketing Strategy
Image Optimization (2000+ images)
Page Caching
Cache Preloading
Sitemap Preloading
GZIP Compression
Browser Caching
Database Optimization
Google Fonts Optimization
Remove Query Strings
Minification / Concatenation
DNS Prefetching
Mobile Detection