5 Sure-Proven Tactics to Get More People to Review Your Law Firm

Nowadays, people rely on reviews to measure the trustworthiness of a business, including law firms. When businesses don’t have reviews yet, typically they will go to businesses with decent reviews and higher ratings. 

According to BrightLocal, 82% of consumers read reviews for local businesses. This includes 93% of people aged 35-54. Studies conducted by bazaar voice also show that conversion rates are boosted by up to 58% when website visitors engage with customer reviews. As a law firm that operates within a given state, getting referrals or even good testimonials from clients is crucial, so you can get more people to trust you in resolving their legal problems. 

How Can I Get More Clients to Write Reviews?

Often, some clients may not have the time to write reviews about your business. Others might even forget to do so, just because they have a lot on their minds. With this, we give you our expertise on how you can acquire more reviews from your existing and previous clients. 

Here are some suggestions on how you can persuade your clients to write reviews about your law firm:

  1. Collect Their Email Addresses 

There are many ways you can collect your clients’ email addresses. One way to acquire your clients’ emails would be through appointment forms where they have to fill out their emails along with their other contact information. When you’ve finished your consultations with them, you can send them a templated email asking them to review your services. 

According to research, more than 70% of reviews are formed from post-transactional review request emails. 

You can use automation software, like ReviewLeads, to help you get your review generation work done faster. When you automate your reviews, it will be easier for your clients to answer and for you to keep track of them. To ask your clients for their feedback through email, your message should be:

  • Personalized so that it does not come off as cold rather than more enthusiastic about their thoughts on your services
  • Concise. Don’t make it too long that they have to read a whole paragraph about how they should do it or how grateful you are for their thoughts
  • Straightforward. Tell them your intent right away.
  1. Include Review Reminders on Your Site

When you make it more convenient for your clients to review your law firm, you’re sure to get more reviews. One way to make it easier is to add a reminder on your website. You can use call-to-action buttons or pop-ups that will lead them to Yelp or the Google My Business Review page. 

If the process of knowing how to review your law firm takes a long time, then you won’t be able to persuade them to take the time to write anything about your practice. Make it a straightforward and easy process, so you can get more meaningful reviews and boost your online reputation.

  1. Post on Social Media

You can use your social media platforms, like Facebook, to post questions regarding your business’s performance. It allows you to interact with your clients and potential clients, answering their questions and inquiries directly. 

Rather than giving them templated replies, make sure to give them personalized replies. This, in a way, enhances the customer experience and shows them how hands-on you are in improving your services, maintaining the good work, and building better relationships with your current and potential clients. 

  1. Reply to Their Reviews

As mentioned before, replying to reviews gives your clients and potential clients the impression that you care about their concerns and you are willing to hear them out. It helps build a trusting relationship with your clients. Whether you receive a positive or negative review, you need to make an effort to respond to show your clients and search engines how much you value customer satisfaction. 

According to statistics, companies that responded to negative reviews had 33% of customers change their review to something positive. On the other hand, 34% of these customers deleted their original negative review. 

So with this, you understand how responding to feedback is part of the client’s experience? 

When responding to reviews, you need to be as likable as possible, even if you’re responding to negative feedback. Here are some tips on how you can construct your response to both positive and negative reviews:

Positive Feedback

  1. Give your sincere gratitude to your client for their comment. 
  2. Be specific about addressing their message.
  3. And lastly, tell them that they are always welcome to come back should they need help with other legal issues.

Negative feedback

  1. Apologize for their concern and thank them for their feedback
  2. Make sure to respond appropriately and never blame the reviewer or try to argue with them
  3. Invite them for a conversation offline. Ask them for more details about it through private messaging and assure them that it will not happen again.
  4. Make it short and sweet. The idea of responding is to handle it as quickly and politely as possible.

With negative feedback, it’s also important to take note of these concerns, and evaluate them to improve the way you run your law firm. That way, the next time, you can grow from the experience and serve your future clients better. 

  1. Ensure They Have a Great Customer Experience

Your clients’ experience is crucial in getting the amount and quality of reviews you want to receive. When you give your clients satisfaction with your service, they’re more obliged to leave you review. 

When you meet or exceed your clients’ expectations with the service you give, you’ll get better and more reviews. Hence, as much as possible, focus on ensuring you provide your clients with the service they deserve. 

When You Need Help in Handling Your Online Presence and Reputation, Binary Ideas Can Help

We understand how focusing on your practice allows you to give your clients the best service possible. That’s why if you need help in managing your online presence and reputation, you can count on our team at Binary Ideas to help you. 

Our team works with you in coming up with effective strategies on how to improve your online reputation. We use the latest tools and techniques to help in managing your reviews and providing you with feedback on how you can improve your services through the feedback provided by your clients. Our professionals work to aid you in refining your law firm’s brand through reputation management, which will ultimately help in attracting more clients and increasing your revenue. 

Should you want to know more about how we can help you, feel free to contact us today.

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Robert San Diego

With a degree in Computer Information System from Strayer University, graduating Cum Laude, Robert San Diego's penchant for Information Technology drove him to master the science and art behind web programming, web designing, online marketing and mobile presence. He considered these to be the most powerful media in establishing an individual or company presence and reputation in the digital world. Now, as a true advocate of digital technologies, Robert shares his knowledge in a simple-to-understand manner to those who aspire to be the best in their industry!

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