Discover the Secret to Monetizing Your Law Firm by Being on the First Page of Google

What most law firms forget is that managing your own law firm is still a business. Although building connections and prestige can get your phone ringing, it might not be enough. Having connections gets you loyalty, but you also may want to expand your network and get more people to entrust their cases to you.

But how?

Connecting with people through the Internet is what most businesses are doing, but somehow, most law firms are lacking. Having your own website means having your own mode of communication with your clients and prospective clients. But how do you make your law firm visible and get the revenue you want?

You shouldn’t simply get your own brochure website; you should have a high-converting website.

So what makes an effective high-converting website?

  • Reach Elements
  • Engagement Elements
  • Conversion Elements

Reach Elements

These are elements that boost to your ranking on Search Engines, mainly Google. There are many strategies that you can incorporate to make your website more visible on Google Search Results.

One of them would be making your website more mobile-friendly. With more and more people searching for information or services on their phones, Google is searching for websites that are more convenient and informative for them. Hence, a high-converting website must also be a responsive website.

Another would be creating specific content they are looking for through up-to-date Search Engine Optimization strategies. Google’s algorithm changes constantly to fit the specific needs of its users; hence, you need to be constantly informed of its changes and how you can update your website’s content to conform to it.

Lastly, of course, you should provide your contact information, such as your law firm’s contact number and email, in case your current or potential clients want to personally reach you.

Engagement Elements

This is the part where when you get their attention, you have to really sell yourself as a trusted lawyer. Engagement elements are the compelling parts of your website that get your potential clients to get in touch with you. So what elements in your website compel individuals to contact you for their case?

  • You need at least 4 TRUST ICONS. These are your recognitions, awards, and certifications that make you the right person for the job.
  • You must have SOCIAL PROOF so that potential clients know you’re great to work with. Add in testimonials and reviews from previous satisfied clients so that you can gain the trust of your new ones.
  • Have an AVATAR-FOCUSED PROFILE instead of the business itself. That way, you can relate more to them and their problems.
  • Your website should also have a SOCIAL MEDIA sharing toolbar so that you can make use of social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter to update your clients, expand your reach, and respond to any inquiries or reviews about your law firm.
  • You must clearly indicate your UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION. So what makes you stand out from other bankruptcy lawyers? Make sure to clearly state that in your content.

Conversion Elements

Once you’ve provided them compelling reasons to choose you as their bankruptcy lawyer, you should tell them what they should do with this knowledge. Basically, it’s for you to tell them to ACT. You can do this by having the following on your website:

  • Clear Call-to-Action Buttons or Sentences as your lead magnet
  • Hello Bar (WordPress Plugin) to guide your website visitors
  • Live chat or Opt-in box

Of course, having a user-friendly web design for your prospective clients will make it easier for them to gather the information they need from your website. As much as possible, you need to make the essential pages on your website easy to navigate. That way, they don’t leave your site immediately, which would also result in your lowering your search engine ranking.

What tool do you need for a high converting website?

The Tool Kit

  • WP Engine or Bluehost – These are the most commonly used hosting sites. Hosting sites give you what you need for the website or webpage to be seen on the Internet.
  • YOAST SEO and Local SEO Plugins – SEO Plugins, like YOAST, help you improve your rankings on search engines so that you can be visible to your target audience.
  • CallRail Tracking Phone Numbers – Adding this feature to your website lets you discover which campaign, website, or search keyword can help you get more clients on the phone.
  • LeadPages WordPress Plugins – Have a website designed to your liking through LeadPages WordPress plugins. You can also form various templates and edit it to make it fit your law firm’s brand.
  • W3 Total Cache Plugin (Speed) – This plugin ensures your potential clients don’t have to wait too long for your website to load.
  • Contact Form 7 Plugin, Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension, or Gravity Forms (if You’re Not Using Email) – If you want to connect with your potential clients or have them schedule appointments, you can add in forms on your website using these plugins.
  • Akismet – This protects your website from receiving any spams. It filters your comments, contact form messages, and trackbacks.
  • Dig Digg Social Sharing Bar – Adding this plugin to your website helps your potential clients find the social media platforms you use, like Facebook or LinkedIn.
  • Olark Live Chat or Apex Chat – Getting a chat widget on your website allows your potential clients to communicate with you instantly. This, in turn, is one tool that will help you improve client experience.

Having to balance your practice, marketing, and even your personal life can be overwhelming. Your law firm is still a business, and it needs to stand out so that you can achieve the long-term success you want by helping others in their bankruptcy and consumer law-related cases.

So how can Binary Ideas help?

Binary Ideas can formulate an online marketing strategy, as well as build your very own high-converting website, so you can focus on your practice while still accumulating more clients. We’ve worked with numerous businesses in improving their search engine rankings, which, in turn, helped them acquire more revenue.

Want to know more about how we can help you? Feel free to get in touch with us today, and get a free online marketing consultation.

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Robert San Diego

With a degree in Computer Information System from Strayer University, graduating Cum Laude, Robert San Diego's penchant for Information Technology drove him to master the science and art behind web programming, web designing, online marketing and mobile presence. He considered these to be the most powerful media in establishing an individual or company presence and reputation in the digital world. Now, as a true advocate of digital technologies, Robert shares his knowledge in a simple-to-understand manner to those who aspire to be the best in their industry!

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